European Action COST TU1305: Short Term Scientific Mission
On 17-23 September 2017, Mr. Ioannis Karakikes, member of the Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory (TTLog) and PhD candidate at the University of Thessaly carried out a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) under the supervision of Dr. Mihails Savrasovs of Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) in Riga, Latvia. The topic of the STSM was “How travelers’ behavior affects urban freight distribution.
Some of the actions that took place during the STSM are the following:
- Inform Dr. Savrasovs on the findings of previous work of Mr. Karakikes Ioannis on simulation and impact assessment
- Review of ICT platforms
- Design of a city-logistics model by using AnyLogic software.
- Examine different scenarios in the developed model that tests different travel behavior
- Analysis of the relationship between travel behavior and smart logistics solutions, as components of an urban transport system.