TTLog presence in the 10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics in Magdeburg, Germany
In June 20-22, 2017, the Institute for Logistics and Material Handling Systems of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, in cooperation with Fraunhofer IFF and with support of ALLIANCE project, hosted the 10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics. TTLog was represented by Ms. Maria Tsami and Mr. Vissarion Magginas who co-authored a paper with Ms. Evelina Budilovich from TTI, entitled as “Accessibility on long-distance terminals: case study Riga coach international terminal”.
In addition, one day earlier on June 19, 2017, TTLog Director, Associate Professor Eftihia Nathanail, Dr. Giannis Adamos, Dr. Lambros Mitropoulos and Mr. Ioannis Karakikes participated in the 3rd Project Management Board (PMB) & Work Package Management (WPM) of ALLIANCE that took place also in Fraunhofer’s premises in Madgeburg.