News & Announcements

TTLog participation in CIVITAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017

TTLog participation in CIVITAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017

Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory (TTLog) team Assoc. Prof. Eftihia Nathanail (director), Dr. Giannis Adamos and Mr. Ioannis Karakikes (research team) participated in the CIVITAS Deployment Day of the CIVITAS Annual Conference 2017, on September 28, 2017, which took place in Torres Vedras, Portugal. The CIVITAS Deployment Day is a new innovative addition to the CIVITAS Annual Conference 2017, aiming at connecting developers of new tools, methods, and approaches with potential interested entities and users. Within the Deployment Day, various interactive formats, including individualized training workshops and demonstrations were also realized (Click here for more information about the CIVITAS Deployment Day).

TTLog research team promoted to the wide audience of the CIVITAS network, the current status and results of the three most recent projects that the team has carried out and or participated in:

Find below photos of the CIVITAS Deployment Day
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3 new

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