Impact assessment of urban freight transport solutions – An open panel Delphi survey
The Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory (TTLog) of the University of Thessaly, Greece, is conducting an extended survey on “Impact Assessment of Urban Freight Transport (UFT) Solutions”.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey and assess the impacts of various solutions (policies and techniques) if they were to be implemented in the city of your residence.
The survey is hosted on a real-time Delphi platform and consists of 2 rounds.
Within the 1st round, the solutions’ assessment should be carried out based on your perceptions, thoughts and experience as stakeholder of your city’s urban logistics system. In addition, you can back up your assessment with an optional comment. The 1st round opened on 02.04.2019 and will remain open till 24.05.2019.
The 2nd round will start on 04.06.2019 and will remain open till 21.06.2019. Within the 2nd round, you will have the opportunity to reconsider your 1st round assessment as many times as you want, based on other participants’ assessment and comments. Please, remember that only those who participated in the 1st round can participate in the 2nd round.
A few days after the completion of the 2nd round, the results of the survey will be sent via email to all survey’s participants. All responses will be kept anonymous and confidential to the research team of TTLog according to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will be used for research purposes only.
1st Round (02.04.2019 – 24.05.2019)
- Visit: http://censensus.tk/
- Sign up with your email and a password, and then log in.
- Click on the “ALL SURVEYS” tab.
- Click on the “Impact Assessment of Urban Freight Transport (UFT) Solutions” survey.
- Enter “ttlog2019” as survey’s passphrase.
- Run the survey and do not forget to press “submit” before leaving the page!
Note 1: When running the survey click on the impact areas i.e. “Economy and Energy”, “Environment”, …, “User Uptake”, to get a short explanation.
Note 2: Participants of the 1st round will receive a notification when the 2nd round opens.
2nd Round (04.06.2019 – 21.06.2019)
- Visit: http://censensus.tk/
- Log in with your previous credentials (email & password).
- Click on the “ALL SURVEYS” tab.
- Click on the “Impact Assessment of Urban Freight Transport (UFT) Solutions” survey.
- Enter “ttlog2019” as survey’s passphrase.
- Reconsider your 1st round assessment scores (if you wish so).
Each of the ten solutions to-be-assessed belongs to one of the six clusters of UFT solutions as they have been determined by Papoutsis and Nathanail (2016) (see below). To the six clusters of solutions, one more cluster was added with respect to emerging solutions.
- New distribution and logistics models for operators.
- Capacity sharing.
- Infrastructure development and vehicle characteristics.
- Access control.
- Regulations on enabling activities.
- Enforcement, routing optimization and training.
- Emerging solutions.
If you face any problem(s) during the survey or you just want to provide feedback, please do not hesitate to contact our laboratory or survey’s administrator with email: iokaraki@uth.gr.
We would like to thank you very much in advance for your time and willingness to participate and contribute to this research.