European Action COST TU1305: Final Conference
On 14-16 February 2018, the director of the Traffic Transportation and Logistics (TTLog) Laboratory of the University of Thessaly Assoc. Prof. Eftihia Nathanail, along with Dr. Giannis Adamos, Mr. Ioannis Karakikes and Ms. Maria Karatsoli attended the last Conference of the European COST Action TU1305 which took place in Milan, Italy.
During the Conference, Prof. Nathanail gave a presentation entitled “A roadmap of analysis requirements of quantitative and qualitative big data for transport applications”.
Ms. Maria Karatsoli, as a young researcher, held a presentation about the “Intelligent transport systems with the usage of “big data” for management of sustainable mobility” and Mr. Karakikes Ioannis, also as young researcher, participated in young researchers’ poster session with his poster entitled “Evaluation of Social Delivery as key-measure to last mile distribution”.