CSUM2020: Call for abstracts
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility – CSUM2020 to be held in Skiathos Island, Greece, on 27 – 29 May 2020.
The theme of the Conference is: “Advances in Mobility as a Service Systems”.
CSUM2020 thematic fields include the following:
- Public transport and demand responsive systems
- Reshaping transport modelling
- Transformational technologies
- Connected and autonomous vehicles and fleets
- Accelerating deployment: Governance and business models
- Accelerating deployment: Trials, pilots and case studies
- Data sharing
- Digitalization
- Smart cities
- Social networks and traveller behavior
- Traffic emissions and environmental impacts
- Smart urban logistics systems
- Human factors
- Infrastructure resilience
This year’s highlights are:
- A three-hour training course will be offered to a limited number of researchers and practitioners with hands-on applications on MaaS modelling. The course will be free of charge for the Conference participants.
- Distinguished researchers will give keynote speeches on the emerging technologies and innovative applications.
The Conference proceedings will be submitted for publication to a book series by Springer. Selected papers will be revised and extended versions will be considered for publication in an Special Issue. All Conference publications will be indexed by: ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
You are invited to submit an abstract limited to a maximum of 250 words on any of CSUM2020 thematic fields, using the instructions of the Submission Info.
Abstracts shall be submitted via Online Submission System until 20 December 2019.
For more information please visit the Conference website: http://csum.civ.uth.gr.
Looking forward to receiving your submissions!
Yours Sincerely,
University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering
Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog
Pedion Areos, GR-38334
Volos, Greece
Tel.: +30-2421074164, +30-2421074158, +30-2421074191
Fax: +30-2421074131
E-mail: infocsum@civ.uth.gr
Conference website http://csum.civ.uth.gr/