ALLIANCE project co-organizes a special session in ETC 2018
ALLIANCE project co-organizes the special session entitled “Education and Training – New challenges towards the Future Transport” which will be held within the European Transport Conference (ETC) on 10-12 October 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. The scope of the special session is to disseminate information about the progress and the findings of the project as well as to identify the linkages between education, research, and industry based on ALLIANCE project’s experience.
The agenda of the special issue will include among others the following topics:
- Partnerships for innovation, skill, and jobs and how to engage the profitable international cooperation (Prof. Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva), TTI)
- New educational program on intermodal connections (Dr. Giannis Adamos, UTH)
- Assessing knowledge of stakeholders on sustainable interchanges’ design and operation (Dr. Mihails Savrasovs, TTI)
Moreover, roundtables between researchers and stakeholders will be organized addressing the following questions:
- How to facilitate stakeholder collaboration and the development of strong linkage among education, research, and industry?
- How can we focus education, research, and innovation activity on social and economic development?
- Balanced combination to the triplex of research/education, industry and policy makers, acknowledging the key role of society. How to increase related R&I impact and exploitation?
- How to identify the skills and competencies needed by the Transport workforce of the future?
ALLIANCE consortium would like to invite all ETC participants to attend the open special session!
For more information please visit the Conference’s website.