
News & Announcements

ALLIANCE 2nd summer school announcement – Registration deadline extension

ALLIANCE 2nd summer school announcement – Registration deadline extension

The 2nd ALLIANCE Summer School “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program (STIP) – Part II: Public Transport Systems: from research to decision making” will be held on 1-7 July 2018 in Riga, Latvia. STIP is organized by:

What are ALLIANCE Summer Schools?

The Summer Schools are organized in the framework of the ALLIANCE project (Enhancing Excellence and Innovation Capacity in Sustainable Transport Interchanges), which is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. ALLIANCE aims at developing advanced research and higher education institution in the field of transport in Latvia by linking Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) with two internationally recognized research entities – University of Thessaly (UTH) and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF).

The common vision for the Summer Schools is the preparation of a new generation of transportation researchers and professionals in the area of Transport Interchanges.

The objectives are:

  • to enable the international networking of young transport researchers
  • to train young researchers on specialized topics, defined as vivid for Baltic States through intensive courses.

The outcomes of these Summer Schools are scientific excellence, along with skills and ability to put science into practice.

What does the 2nd Summer School cover?

The topics covered in ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School focus on Public Transport Systems. The offered courses are:

  • The European policy on intermodal transportation
  • Building business models for intermodal transport interchanges
  • Sustainable development and transportation planning for passengers
  • Operation and management of intermodal transport systems: passenger interchanges
  • Optimization of intermodal transport systems
  • Intelligent services for passenger transportation
  • Design of passenger transport interchanges
  • Decision making methodologies
  • Data collection methods: Travel surveys
  • Data collection methods: Historical and observed data: passenger transport
  • Research methodology and teamwork setup

Who can participate?

The School is addressed to young researchers, preferably master and PhD students, master degree holders and post-doc researchers (up to 5 years after obtaining their PhD), practitioners, from public and private sector, who are involved in the domain of Sustainable Transportation.

The number of participants is limited to 30 in total, consisting of 20 TTI students and staff, 3 UTH students, 2 Fraunhofer IFF students and 5 other participants.

What is offered?

The ALLIANCE Summer Schools offer the possibility of obtaining up-to-date knowledge on Sustainable Transport Interchanges from leading EU researchers and academicians from the organizing institutions. The program includes lectures, hands-on workshops, case-studies, demonstrations and team work. Successful completion of the 2nd Summer School assumes class attendance and presentation and submission of class project. Successful participants will be granted 6 ECTS credit points.

Teaching material will be delivered to the participants in printed and electronic format.

ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School key dates

Registration for ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School 15 May 2018      Updated!
Notification about acceptance 22 May 2018     Updated!
Venue and logistics data 29 May 2018     Updated!
ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School 1-7 July 2018

Download here the Announcement in .pdf

Contact person: Viktorija Gruzite (gruzite.v@tsi.lv)

We look forward to seeing you in Latvia in 2018!