3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, 26-27 May 2016, Volos, Greece
The 3rd CSUM is organized by the University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog, with the support of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology – WASET.
The theme of this year’s Conference is: “Anthropocentric approach in urban mobility planning”.
The Conference thematic fields include the following:
- Transportation interchanges
- Public Transport and demand responsive systems
- Safety and security
- City Logistics
- Environmental concerns
- Activity based transport modelling
- Accessible transportation and mobility
- Social networks and travel behavior
- Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITS
- Economic Issue
The Conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of Transportation Research Procedia of Elsevier (indexed in Scopus), and a selection of them will be considered for further review and publication in the International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering of the Word Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology – WASET (indexed in ISI), and the De Gruyter open access Transport and Telecommunication Journal (indexed in SCI and Scopus) of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute.
You are invited to submit an abstract limited to a maximum of 300 words on any of the Conference topics, using the instructions of the Submission Info.
Abstracts shall be submitted via Online Submission System of the Conference, until 10 January 2016.
For more information please visit the Conference website http://csum.civ.uth.gr/